Куплю у дьявола его душу...
Вот читаю ответы на вопросы девушки, много фоток которой я выложила в соо, что с Беном, Мартином, Рупертом и прочими общалась на съёмочной площадке
Why did you feel the need to add that comment? Its tacky of you to flag up makeup girl gossip when Benedict took time out to take photos with you. I noticed you didnt gush about him in your reports and had already wondered if he wasnt thrilled to be pestered all day.
” Mr Grumpy” wasn’t gossip, it was more of an on-set joke. They said it to his face, not behind his back as he was friends with the make up girl and was often hugging her. To be honest it was more cute than anything else!

It's unbelievably thrilling to have a spying eye on the set! How else would have we ever found out that Benny dances to his ipod tunes. The image is simply priceless. YAY to you"
He also sulks when he’s tired and the make up girls call him mister grumpy

@темы: Позитивно, Офигительное, Benedict Cumberbatch