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ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Are you on Sherlock or Doctor Who duties at the moment?
STEVEN MOFFAT: I’m on both Sherlock and Doctor Who at the moment. Sherlock is gearing up, we just started pre-production. They were putting up the Baker Street set at the studio this morning and in the next studio we were shooting Doctor Who. We’re on the thirteenth episode.

Moving on to Sherlock, you’re stealing Martin Freeman back from The Hobbit to play Watson again on the show?
No! No! No, no, no, no. We are lending Martin Freeman to The Hobbit, let’s get that the right way round.

Do you have a good relationship with Peter Jackson? I know you worked on the sсript of the Jackson-produced Adventures of Tintin.
I know him. I don’t know him that well. We’ve worked together. I’ve met him a few times. That’s what it amounts to. But that wasn’t the negotiation. Martin was very committed to being inSherlock and wouldn’t have been in The Hobbit unless Sherlock could be accommodated. It’s not exactly a small deal these days, Sherlock.

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@темы: Steven Moffat, Martin Freeman, Sherlock, Doctor Who, The Hobbit

24.04.2011 в 09:32

Мне не нужна никакая конструктивная критика. Только тотальное обожание. (c) Том Харди
No! No! No, no, no, no. We are lending Martin Freeman to The Hobbit, let’s get that the right way round.

:lol::lol::lol: Стивен жжот
24.04.2011 в 13:27

asstronomer // боевой интроверт
Martin was very committed to being in Sherlock and wouldn’t have been in The Hobbit unless Sherlock could be accommodated.
Приятно-то как :love: