С подачи Lala Sara рассказ девушки-очевидца как вчера Бен с Анной ходили на пианиста Джеймса Рода и встретили там Дэррена Брауна.
Кину только кусок, где есть Бен
Anyway, I know you’re all reading this for the Benedict part, so I’ll get on to it. At the interval, we went to the bar so Laura could get a drink. She’s got a bad back and was in pain sitting in the concert, bless her so she needed a walk around. We left the auditorium and joined the queue, and I was just messing about on my phone, and suddenly she said ‘Is that Benedict?’. Now, Laura doesn’t actually like Benedict. She thinks he’s ugly. (I know. She’s lovely though, so don’t be too hard on her :P) So, when she says ‘Is that Benedict?’, I sort of assume that she’s just spotted someone hideous and is taking the piss. It wasn’t until she said ‘No really, it’s actually Benedict’ that I looked up and it was! He was stood at the bar with (the insanely beautiful in real life) Anna and a man in a flat cap we couldn’t see properly, and he was wearing a light brown shirt, jeans, and brown boots. The hair was exactly as we’ve become used to recently - far too blonde and looking like it’s crying for help :P He still looked lovely, of course. Laura took to calling him ‘Moptop’ on account of his ‘atrocious’ hair! As we got closer I realised that the man in the flat cap was Derren Brown (wowwwwww!) which was good because Laura likes him, so at least we both had someone there we liked! We ended up stood right next to them. I was trying not to stare, at least not obviously, and definitely didn’t dare saying hello. I didn’t want to interrupt. Someone took a photo and I’m sure he noticed! I just had a little freak out on twitter and tried to be calm…and failed to be calm, because Laura had to tell me not to be so obviously excited, and apparently my hands were shaking as I tried to use my phone!
The bell to go back into the auditorium went very soon after that, and we went back in. This time we watched out for certain people better Benedict, Anna and Derren were all sat in the middle section, a few rows back. They all gave him a standing ovation at the end. Then, on the way out, we ended up right behind Benedict as we went through the exit door. He’d put his motorbike jacket and scarf on, and was holding his helmet (and I think Anna was too, unless she took his to hold for a minute just as I noticed her). I may have accidentally on purpose brushed past xD
EDIT: It’s since occurred to me that it wasn’t a scarf, it was the hood on the blue hoody with a star on that he was wearing in the photo from earlier yesterday. I just assumed when I saw him from a decent distance, what with his scarf thing! When I got up close I was looking at his jacket and despairing at his hair more than anything else xD Oops!
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