Может кому-то пригодится инфа о некоторых телефонах из первого сезона Шерлока

+ информация о каждой модели
1. The Sherlock - Blackberry Bold 9700

Blackberry Bold mobile phones are known to be the perfect phone for business and are brilliant for multitasking. They feature an impressive GPS application, perfect for navigating your way around the streets London - unless you already have a GPS in your head of course. The 9700 is a great phone for any busy consulting detective who doesn’t have time to waste!

2. The John - Nokia N97

John’s (slightly scratched) Nokia N97 was a gift from his sister Harry and is engraved on the back with “Harry Watson, from Clara xxx”. It was also the source of John’s original wonderment over Sherlock’s deductions about him. The N97 homescreen is fully personalisable, so everything you need will be safely held in one place. Perfect for any organised ex-Army type.

3. The Anthea - Blackberry Curve 8900

The Blackberry Curve is as brilliant for business as the Blackberry Bold. However, it features a back-lit keyboard and trackball so you can see and feel what you’re doing even in the dim light of the back seat of your bosses car whilst kidnapping people.

4. The Jennifer Wilson - iPhone 3GS

Jennifer Wilson was once the owner of an iPhone 3GS, complete with pink cover to match her pink suitcase, pink shoes, pink nailvarnish and coat. The phone became, according to Lestrade, ‘the phone from the study in pink’ and was recreated by Moriarty to look the same as hers in The Great Game. It’s the perfect phone for juggling a string of lovers and a job in the city. Also pretty good for flirting with Consulting Detectives.

5. The red London phone box

This is here for a joke, honestly. But John did recieve a call from Mycroft whilst inside one and it became a tiny little jail cell for him for just a little while. They also double up as public toilets at around 2am.