Ему повезло, что он не читал наших хейтеров. Узнал бы ещё много нового. И про детей, и про череп свой и т.д.
Benedict Cumberbatch deals with his critics (at GQ men of the year awards last night):
“This is amazing, thank you. It makes up for a blog I accidentally read last night that described me as “horse-faced, arse-named, wooden and untalented.” I can dispute the last two because you have honoured me with this [Actor of The Year Award], but the first two? Yeah: I am horse-faced and arse-named, but there you go - it’s what I was born with.”
Benedict Cumberbatch deals with his critics (at GQ men of the year awards last night):
“This is amazing, thank you. It makes up for a blog I accidentally read last night that described me as “horse-faced, arse-named, wooden and untalented.” I can dispute the last two because you have honoured me with this [Actor of The Year Award], but the first two? Yeah: I am horse-faced and arse-named, but there you go - it’s what I was born with.”