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Море спойлеровMy night at Sherlock filming… I’m not going to do the big spoilers because I know how much actors and crews really don’t appreciate them spreading round, but there’s still things to say! Under the cut incase anyone’s avoiding as much as they can…
Sherlock were filming in an alley off West Bute Street and in Mount Stuart Sq last night til 4am. I’ve been waiting for them to film there because it’s one of the most London-looking places in Cardiff, and they used it in the pilot (at the end, when Sherlock and John meet up again outside after John shoots the cabbie), and at last, there it was!
We stood around for a while taking pictures of stuff - the alley and the big London bus waiting just down the road, mainly - and after a while Benedict and Martin turned up for rehearsal. I think Martin was in costume, though I mainly just noticed his big green coat he wears between takes, but Benedict wasn’t ready as Sherlock. As I already posted from set before my phone died, he was wearing a pink shirt and a jumper that looked rather Watson-ish - beige and cable patterned. I hope I have a picture, haven’t looked through my camera yet! Like I said, I won’t do big spoilers, but they ran out of the alley, Benedict dragging Martin by the wrist, then ran into the road, where Benedict swung Martin round so they were stood next to each other. Then - and the entire time I was just thinking OH GOD TUMBLR WILL LOVE THIS - they lay down next to each other on crash mats, still holding on to each other at the wrist. Benedict in front, Martin behind, for those of you wondering :P There was another actor too, and Benedict had a gun, but I won’t say any more than that…I hope nobody minds, it’s just they really don’t like it at all
After rehearsals Benedict and Martin went back off to get changed and ready, and we had a bit of a break in excitement for a while. Later their body doubles turned up and got a few people excited (but really, I know Benedict when I see him, and he’s taller, slimmer, and has a completely different nose, I don’t know how people were fooled :P Good hair though xD). They were filming something down another alley that came off the original alley, so we couldn’t see anything of it. We reckon they were probably climbing over a high fence that they didn’t want to risk Benedict and Martin falling from and getting hurt. When they eventually turned up again, there was a scene of them down that same alley that we could only just see via the screens (seemed to be Benedict on one side of the fence and Martin on the other, talking through the bars), then another of them running down the original one, and then the one we’d seen rehearsed. And the wrist holding had become HANDCUFFS. HANDCUFFS. That good old gay agenda xD Anyway, for the rehearsed scene, the body doubles were back. They ran into the road right in front of the bus, and only just dived out of the way in time. The bus looked like it was going really fast, too! I was just thinking OH GOD PLEASE DON’T LET THE REAL BEN AND MARTIN DO THAT THEY MIGHT DIE and then I looked over to where real Benedict was and he was stood looking a bit concerned and rather loudly went ‘Jesus Christ!’. Thank god they didn’t make them do it! Instead, they just had to do the lying down part again afterwards (still in handcuffs), with the bus, a taxi and a couple of cars driving past at speed, and then ran up the street in our direction (for which we hid in a porch built into the wall, so we were completely out of sight, and just watched them running past. After that, they transferred to the next road along and just did a quick shot of the two of them, STILL handcuffed, running down the street and ducking into an alley to have a rest and a chat. And the chat is the spoilers I’m not going to say, though to be honest, I couldn’t hear perfectly so I may just get them wrong anyway :P
So, there’s general filming events for you! And you know I like bullet points, so here’s the rest of the good stuff:
- During one break in filming, Martin came over to the three of us who were watching, all of his own accord, and just starting chatting! WOW. He said we were waiting ‘very stoically’! We had a little chat about the weather (mainly ‘It’s not actually that cold’, ‘I’ve got another whole layer I haven’t needed to put on yet’ (this was at 2am or something), ‘We’ve been so lucky it’s not raining, it was meant to be bad all day’, and ‘Living in Cardiff means you get used to being cold’) and he asked us what we did for a living and whatnot, and actually seemed interested, which was so nice of him. He said something about how it would probably be nicer being able to watch from indoors, and my housemate Emma had told him once before that they’d filmed outside our house last year, but I knew he’d have no memory of that now so I told him again (well, it seemed relevant!) and said we’d been watching from the lounge window and he asked where it was and apologised that he couldn’t remember the road because he has a bad memory xD He was so nice. He got taken off to rehearse in the end but it was a lovely chat - When there were only two of us left, BENEDICT WALKED PAST ON THE WAY TO THE NEXT SHOT AND HE TURNED AND SMILED AND WAVED AND SAID HI and I really quite awkwardly (because I was dying on the inside) smiled and waved and said hi back to him and then had to dive inside the porch thing again to recover for a moment so nobody saw me looking too excited :P He was obviously too busy to stop but just ‘hi’ made my evening <3 I have a feeling he was probably thinking ‘I better say hi to that girl because she’s been staring at me all night’ but…yeah :P Yaaaay! - COAT, PURPLE SHIRT, SCARF…AWESOME And the coat looks SO NICE when he’s running and twirling around. Bloody love that coat. - One of the crew members briefly spoke to us about Torchwood and said he’d been worried it’d be too American but ‘Cardiff comes off better than America does’. - During the rehearsal, it was quiet enough that we could sort of hear Benedict chatting to Martin and the crew. I say ‘sort of’…it’s that voice of his. Couldn’t pick out what he was actually saying, you could just hear this low, growly sound rumbling across the street! - Let me just repeat: Benedict and Martin lying down next to each other while handcuffed together. And Benedict with his gun out. AND THE WRITERS SAY THEY DON’T READ TUMBLR. - Toby Haynes, the director, came over at one point and said hello. He seemed nice - Benedict’s very still and serious-looking between takes. I’ve seen a lot of Doctor Who filming too, and David Tennant always bounces around and jumps up and down and runs on the spot, but Benedict is very, very calm. Doesn’t move. He yawned a lot, but that was about it. Very boring man to video :P - Before one of the takes of them running down the street, Benedict and Martin were stood next to each other waiting and Ben just suddenly went ‘AND A NICE CHIANTI’ really loudly! Not one of his better impressions, but I’m still chuffed to have heard one! - Before another take, one of the runners took Benedict a bottle of water and for some reason put it in the hand that was handcuffed to Martin, so he made a big point of swinging his hand up to his mouth with far more flourish than necessary just so that Martin’s arm got flung comically in the air. He bounced up and down with his arm movement a bit too, just to pull Martin around as much as possible. Looked so funny! - Near the end, Benedict suddenly called out ‘someone take my coat!’ and once someone had run over and pulled it off him he absolutely LEGGED IT to the top of the street and round the corner. Like, faster than a speeding bullet. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s THE CUMBERBATCH. He’s so quick. And has such a gangly run <3 And a few minutes later he ran back again, same speed. And he wasn’t even remotely out of breath. I’d have been dead. He just stopped, got his coat straight back on, and was all ‘Right then, what’s next?’
No doubt something’ll come to me as soon as I post this, but that’s all I can think of for now. Enjoy the image of them lying down in handcuffs xD