суббота, 18 июня 2011
Куплю у дьявола его душу...
Знали бы вы как мне греет душу и как приятно, когда я захожу на один из любимейших сайтов - Лостфильм и там натыкаюсь на эту новость Конечно, они тормозы, и всё всколыхнутое вчера в душе уже успокоилось, но, всё же, очень приятно 

Куплю у дьявола его душу...
Плиз-плиз!! К сожалению, мои познания английского не позволяют мне сделать красивый, художественный перевод. Буду очень благодарна тому, кто захочет перевести 
From the DVD commentary of “The Great Game”
Benedict: And here is the sublime Andrew Scott.
Mark: So not just a cheap gay joke. In fact, a supervillain! Now, Andrew came in to read for this part and everybody just really fell for his interpretation. The thing about Moriarty – obviously as with the reinterpretation of Sherlock and John – he was never gonna be a sixty year old bald professor. He was going to be something else, and something hiding in plain sight, as it were. And we saw a lot of great people, but what Andrew brought to it immediately was a kind of playful super-intensity; and for all the sort of camp fun of some of these lines, which are demanded by a Holmes and Moriarty confrontation, there are moments in it which are so scary, I think, when his face becomes a lizard-like set mask and this real evil just comes through, I think is really remarkable.
Benedict: (sounding exasperated) Oh, marry him!
Mark: Oh, I am. I’m married to Andrew! That’s a given!
Benedict: That was me being Martin, by the way.
Mark: There’s two little things here: ‘Moriarty’ is an Irish name and there’s never been an Irish Moriarty, so we actually asked Andrew to do it in his own accent.
Benedict: (cracking up at a line on the screen) I love that: ‘Daddy’s had enough now!’
Mark: One of the little details in the original story is that Moriarty’s head is forever oscillating from side to side in a curiously reptilian fashion. And I told Andrew that on the costume fitting and he didn’t know, and absolutely grabbed it, and I saw him, literally as he was going, he was just practising it for the first time, and he just pops it in every now and then, particularly at the end.
As Moriarty says, “That’s what people DO!” Mark says, “That’s one of those moments which makes my hair stand on end.”
Steven and Mark were originally not going to put a confrontation into these three episodes. But then they realised that “we just had to do a confrontation scene. We had to do a version of the scene in The Final Problem in which the two arch-enemies meet each other ... and say, ‘Westwood’!"
Benedict: Hello! So he’s allowed to say that but I’m not allowed to say my tailor!
Mark: Well, that’s on the telly; it’s all right, it’s cleared and everything! Also, the Duchess, you know, she gave us permission. She’s a big Holmes fan.
Benedict: She will be now.
Mark: This is really where Sherlock, having I think convinced himself that, were it not for the fact that he chose to, he could actually be Moriarty, they are one and the same, they’re both so, so much cleverer than the little people, that really he realises he does have a heart; he’s one of us, not one of them.
Benedict cracks up as Moriarty demonstrates the look of surprise he’ll have on his face if Sherlock shoots him.
Benedict: Because he’s such an arch-villain there’s a real attraction to him, but at the same time it doesn’t diminish Holmes as being his perfect foe. It’s a very good match between the two of them.
Mark: Now you have to marry him.

From the DVD commentary of “The Great Game”
Benedict: And here is the sublime Andrew Scott.
Mark: So not just a cheap gay joke. In fact, a supervillain! Now, Andrew came in to read for this part and everybody just really fell for his interpretation. The thing about Moriarty – obviously as with the reinterpretation of Sherlock and John – he was never gonna be a sixty year old bald professor. He was going to be something else, and something hiding in plain sight, as it were. And we saw a lot of great people, but what Andrew brought to it immediately was a kind of playful super-intensity; and for all the sort of camp fun of some of these lines, which are demanded by a Holmes and Moriarty confrontation, there are moments in it which are so scary, I think, when his face becomes a lizard-like set mask and this real evil just comes through, I think is really remarkable.
Benedict: (sounding exasperated) Oh, marry him!
Mark: Oh, I am. I’m married to Andrew! That’s a given!
Benedict: That was me being Martin, by the way.
Mark: There’s two little things here: ‘Moriarty’ is an Irish name and there’s never been an Irish Moriarty, so we actually asked Andrew to do it in his own accent.
Benedict: (cracking up at a line on the screen) I love that: ‘Daddy’s had enough now!’
Mark: One of the little details in the original story is that Moriarty’s head is forever oscillating from side to side in a curiously reptilian fashion. And I told Andrew that on the costume fitting and he didn’t know, and absolutely grabbed it, and I saw him, literally as he was going, he was just practising it for the first time, and he just pops it in every now and then, particularly at the end.
As Moriarty says, “That’s what people DO!” Mark says, “That’s one of those moments which makes my hair stand on end.”
Steven and Mark were originally not going to put a confrontation into these three episodes. But then they realised that “we just had to do a confrontation scene. We had to do a version of the scene in The Final Problem in which the two arch-enemies meet each other ... and say, ‘Westwood’!"
Benedict: Hello! So he’s allowed to say that but I’m not allowed to say my tailor!
Mark: Well, that’s on the telly; it’s all right, it’s cleared and everything! Also, the Duchess, you know, she gave us permission. She’s a big Holmes fan.
Benedict: She will be now.
Mark: This is really where Sherlock, having I think convinced himself that, were it not for the fact that he chose to, he could actually be Moriarty, they are one and the same, they’re both so, so much cleverer than the little people, that really he realises he does have a heart; he’s one of us, not one of them.
Benedict cracks up as Moriarty demonstrates the look of surprise he’ll have on his face if Sherlock shoots him.
Benedict: Because he’s such an arch-villain there’s a real attraction to him, but at the same time it doesn’t diminish Holmes as being his perfect foe. It’s a very good match between the two of them.
Mark: Now you have to marry him.
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Куплю у дьявола его душу...
Куплю у дьявола его душу...

Куплю у дьявола его душу...
“I hate you, Sherlock.”
“Because I think I’m falling for you.”

“Because I think I’m falling for you.”

Куплю у дьявола его душу...
Serenity S, ты была права! Мартин не женат
*в душе немного побегала по потолку*
Да, что ж такое творится с британскими мужиками? Бен 12 лет с Оливией встречался, Мартин 10 лет уже с Амандой живёт и имеет двух детей
Не зря меня отсутствие колец на БАФТЕ у обоих насторожило
Ох, уведёт Бен Мартина у Аманды с этими болотными да новозеландскими съёмками 

Да, что ж такое творится с британскими мужиками? Бен 12 лет с Оливией встречался, Мартин 10 лет уже с Амандой живёт и имеет двух детей

Не зря меня отсутствие колец на БАФТЕ у обоих насторожило

Куплю у дьявола его душу...
Куплю у дьявола его душу...
пятница, 17 июня 2011
Куплю у дьявола его душу...
Куплю у дьявола его душу...
На сайте www.imdb.com в актёрском составе значится Бен уже не как слухи Хоббит
Хоббит-2 (в составе 2 фильма пока косяк)
Скрин из первого Хоббита

Хоббит-2 (в составе 2 фильма пока косяк)
Скрин из первого Хоббита

Куплю у дьявола его душу...
После поездки Бена и Мартина вдвоём на съёмки Хоббита в НЗ, саундтрек к 3 сезону Шерлока будет выглядеть примерно так 

Куплю у дьявола его душу...

Куплю у дьявола его душу...
Ооо. На Кинопоиске тоже в оф. новостях про роль Бена в Хоббите написали под заголовком "Питер Джексон раздал последние роли в "Хоббите" 
Народ в комментах там уже отжигает
Так и представляю сцену, когда Бильбо залез через тайный проход в сокровищницу
- Здравсвуйте! — говорит Смоуг
- Но как вы догадались, Холмс?
- Элементарно, Ватсон — отвечает дракон — Вас выдал ваш порфюм и тот факт, что вы стоите на моем хвосте!

Народ в комментах там уже отжигает

Так и представляю сцену, когда Бильбо залез через тайный проход в сокровищницу
- Здравсвуйте! — говорит Смоуг
- Но как вы догадались, Холмс?
- Элементарно, Ватсон — отвечает дракон — Вас выдал ваш порфюм и тот факт, что вы стоите на моем хвосте!
Куплю у дьявола его душу...
Watson is a midget with hairy feet and Sherlock is a dragon 

Smaug And The Thief by *wildlifehoodoo on deviantART

Smaug And The Thief by *wildlifehoodoo on deviantART
Куплю у дьявола его душу...
After reporting today that Luke Evans will play Bard in the Peter Jackson-directed The Hobbit and wondering who'll voice the dragon Smaug, Deadline can now tell you that it will be Benedict Cumberbatch. He'll portray Smaug via motion capture. He is already on the picture, providing the voice of the character Necromancer. This comes as Cumberbatch is getting buzz for his supporting performances in the Steven Spielberg-directed War Horse. And Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, in which he stars opposite Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy and Colin Firth. After drawing raves for his performance in Danny Boyle's stage production of Frankenstein, Cumberbatch was just set to star in the five-part miniseries Parade’s End. Cumberbatch continues his role as Sherlock Holmes on the BBC/PBS series, which just won the BAFTA for Best Drama. He is represented by UTA and Conway Van Gelder.
Вторая роль - это Некромант в Лехолесье, т.е. одно из воплощений Саурона.
What's really interesting about the reporting done by Mike Fleming today is that he suggests Cumberbatch will also play the Necromancer, a somewhat minor character in "The Hobbit" who plays a fairly major role in the overall saga of Middle-Earth
О том, что роль Барда Лучника досталась Люку Эвансу уже написали и тут
Надеюсь Смог у Бена не будет так же слюни пускать
Вторая роль - это Некромант в Лехолесье, т.е. одно из воплощений Саурона.
What's really interesting about the reporting done by Mike Fleming today is that he suggests Cumberbatch will also play the Necromancer, a somewhat minor character in "The Hobbit" who plays a fairly major role in the overall saga of Middle-Earth
О том, что роль Барда Лучника досталась Люку Эвансу уже написали и тут
Надеюсь Смог у Бена не будет так же слюни пускать

Куплю у дьявола его душу...
OMG!! Отожгли!! 
Так!! Вот с такими гифками я ведь могу и поверить в слэш между ними

Tags: 2011 MTV Movie Awards, Movie News
Так!! Вот с такими гифками я ведь могу и поверить в слэш между ними

четверг, 16 июня 2011
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Только сейчас заметила, что фотка сделана на крыше NT