пятница, 29 июля 2011
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Куплю у дьявола его душу...
Теперь правильный фш 

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Ыыы. Какой у Бени голос в этой серии, как он им играет!!
"I AM NOT LITTLE MARTIN!" - просто рыдаю

А от того, как было произнесено "Сiao" с придыханием вообще растаяла
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And next week: St Petersburg
"I AM NOT LITTLE MARTIN!" - просто рыдаю

А от того, как было произнесено "Сiao" с придыханием вообще растаяла

Скачать можно ТУТ
And next week: St Petersburg

Куплю у дьявола его душу...
Ну, что же это такое происходит??!!
Пора выносить судебный запрет на работу м-ру Камбербэтчу!!
Он же опять себе новую работу хапнул!!
Screen Daily announced today that Benedict is attached to a new film set to shoot in Ireland in 2012 called Where There’s a Will.
Benedict Cumberbatch, Charlie Cox are attached to star in Where There’s A Will, an Ireland-set comedy to be directed by Maurice Phillips.
The film will also star British actress Jenna Harrison who played opposite Ben Whishaw in My Brother Tom.
Developed by actor Danny Midwinter, who is also producing, Where There’s A Will is about three brothers who go on the run to Ireland from the mob in London thinking they’ve inherited a pub, which turns out to be a funeral parlour.
The sсript has been written by Ian D Fleming, with the film’s director, Maurice Phillips, whose credits include the 1986 film The American Way with Dennis Hopper, as well as TV dramas Murphy’s Law and Auf Wiedersehen Pet, also co-writing.
“I’ve been working on this for five years, trying to get it off the ground and all of a sudden it’s falling into place,” Midwinter told Screen.
“Benedict read the sсript and said he loved it and thought it was so different to anything else he had seen,” added Midwinter, who describes the film as having “a feel of Waking Ned with the banter of The Quiet Man [the 1952 film with John Wayne].”
The film is already part financed with plans to shoot in Ireland in 2012.
Пора выносить судебный запрет на работу м-ру Камбербэтчу!!
Он же опять себе новую работу хапнул!!
Screen Daily announced today that Benedict is attached to a new film set to shoot in Ireland in 2012 called Where There’s a Will.
Benedict Cumberbatch, Charlie Cox are attached to star in Where There’s A Will, an Ireland-set comedy to be directed by Maurice Phillips.
The film will also star British actress Jenna Harrison who played opposite Ben Whishaw in My Brother Tom.
Developed by actor Danny Midwinter, who is also producing, Where There’s A Will is about three brothers who go on the run to Ireland from the mob in London thinking they’ve inherited a pub, which turns out to be a funeral parlour.
The sсript has been written by Ian D Fleming, with the film’s director, Maurice Phillips, whose credits include the 1986 film The American Way with Dennis Hopper, as well as TV dramas Murphy’s Law and Auf Wiedersehen Pet, also co-writing.
“I’ve been working on this for five years, trying to get it off the ground and all of a sudden it’s falling into place,” Midwinter told Screen.
“Benedict read the sсript and said he loved it and thought it was so different to anything else he had seen,” added Midwinter, who describes the film as having “a feel of Waking Ned with the banter of The Quiet Man [the 1952 film with John Wayne].”
The film is already part financed with plans to shoot in Ireland in 2012.
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Куплю у дьявола его душу...
Всё видео документального фильма про Рэттигана с Бенедиктом
четверг, 28 июля 2011
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Все дружно слушаем Джона и идём спать в свои постельки!
Good night!!!

Good night!!!

Куплю у дьявола его душу...
И почему отказали интересно? Неужели из-за работы? 

Куплю у дьявола его душу...
Бедный (или не бедный?) Джон

Доступ к записи ограничен
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Закрытая запись, не предназначенная для публичного просмотра
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Обнаружилась ещё одна разрушающая нашу психику фотка. Вам не кажется, что на ней у Шерлока словно глаза открыты? 

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Куплю у дьявола его душу...
Уехала до вечера..........
среда, 27 июля 2011
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Бен улыбаеццо 

Куплю у дьявола его душу...
Ушла бухать. Блин, в жару же нельзя это делать 

Куплю у дьявола его душу...
Куплю у дьявола его душу...
Ох, Марк-Марк

вторник, 26 июля 2011